Thursday, April 23, 2009

See Music Lyrics got slaughter line

Music Lyrics slaughter line. Some song lyrics hint of rebellion even have a similar news. Fever NAPALM DEATH, creator, Megadeth, Suffocation, imprint is still here. There are some problems that appear in print media about a number of group-group this world, among others, is a matter of music lyrics. Behind the hone with the rhythm on the speed and power, group-group rock earlier calls concerning political, poverty, war, and especially whether the bias be depicted like a news broadcast. Flooding because combined spectators with the same dream. At least the lyrics together as a theme as one soul. Opinion is, of course, be denied, or approved. But there
thought that a glance, actually participate in the least to give Bliss listener. The process can be long, because lyric written in English. There are obstacles there? Some join because it began, following her friends and bercetus "This prestigious music." Terbius and just enjoy the music hangar binger super hard, continue to chop another group: Deicide, Dying Fetus, Cynic, Disincarnate, Broken Hope, Internal Bleeding, and others.

liriklaguDan from there they investigate new lyrics liriknya-Gara-gara lyrics, there is no music like beraliran grindcore. "They use a lot of dirty words" he said. "Aghatocles, though loud music but liriknya care in social life." There is then in the end more like the Nile and Nightwish only. Some of the lyrics is easy to understand depending on kemahirannya English. What would be different if the music is discussed figured Ghotic Metal. In the previous pattern, there is consistency theme, concerning the rebellion on the situation. Metal Ghotic in music, there is a sale sentimentality love. Many also are directly interested. It's like that with something related to their own. For example, about love. No matter the lyrics are also not prohibited, cuek in the lyrics. Selintas only know its a matter of eerie-eerie, do not understand its meaning. Secadas any liriknya, so no problem, the
iramanya important. If toh liriknya sadist, can still hold the influence that may arise. Of course the author of lyrics, it will be sad if what diutarakannya not digubris.

Should be between the music and lyrics have been balanced. If only one of them is good, will not balance. Lyrics in the song implies laden messages, short or long. Dikerjakan bisan light without thinking about the meaning, menyair course, what is it is, the real or imagination. The process of writing lyrics which sometimes make it as a letter or diary. With that description, sebuahn lyrics bobotnya same with music. There are sections that can not be replaced with the words, but with the sound. Music senderung teenagers enjoy melodinya first, rather liriknya. Especially for the songs in English. Soalnya that only 40% understand English. But basically, the music and lyrics in a song that can not be separated. But the fact is, if liriknya ugly tapim good melody, it is likely to be loved. Music is spiritual food, in the hearing, feeling more a role here. If teenagers like music menghentak, it's appropriate that soul again explode ledak, anti kemapanan and like change change. Unlike the teenagers in the western hemisphere there, they have more fanaticism, and much more open. Because of lack of barriers in understanding the lyrics, even the music itself is close to the sub-culture them. They can enjoy the good. Such a good idea so that they can be possessed. In the United States there are about 200 young people die because of the song lyrics so that penetrate metal. Song lyrics that imply that kepesimisan recommend people to suicide, rather than the life of a fly distracted. But according to me, regardless teenagers here care about the west, especially the song lyrics: black metal, gore grind, porn grind and death metal. For the different sub-culture with us in the west. From the later even took all the suicide

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